The third installment in our 2009 Christmas series involved our cousins and their family coming over to see us. We had a blast. As in the other two Christmases, there was tons food and fun, with emphasis on the fun. Daddy decided to include shots from all the action... which in most families involves none other than the opening of the presents...
Looks like sister will be set on bows... for the rest of her life.
And check out that hat!!
As you can see, sister was pretty popular...
Of course, Nate managed to be the center of attention...whether we liked it or not!!
And of course, he was drawn to his great buddy, Grammy...
And it isn't a party until the Wii is broken out. (Yep, "Mr. Front & Center" in the below pic thinks he is playing.)
And here we see the night ended with a bang... hey, anyone noticing a theme here?
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